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Accordions can be very useful when trying to compress a page that has a lot of information on it, but you do not want to delete any of the information. This is one of the best tools we have when it comes to condensing a page down. The accordion will allow you to have all needed information available to the user, in a much smaller format, while allowing the user to decide and select which portions of the infomration they want to expand. The accordion is most commonly used for FAQ pages, however there are plenty of other ways this can be used.



When deciding to use an accordion, it is important to consider what your content will look like both before a user clicks to expand and after. Sometimes it might be better to avoid using the accordion so the page does not appear to be blank or lack content when the user first navigates there.


If you have any questions you cannot find the answer to, feel free to reach out directly for clarification.

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